Tuesday, April 06, 2010

How to Get Paint out of Carpets

Baby Wipes
Water Bottle
Razor Blade

We all make mistakes, and get paint on the carpet while painting. The best way to get paint out of carpets while it's still wet, is to use baby wipes. Yes, baby wipes, the same things you use on your precious little bums, will take paint out of your carpets... lets not even think if it can do that, what it could be doing their little bums.

This works great for the little drops and splatters of paint. I find it useful to always have baby wipes handy while painting.

Blotting, and massaging out the paint with baby wipes, then using water to flush out the rest of the paint works the best for getting paint out of the carpet while it's still wet.

If the paint has dried, a great way to get paint out, is to use a razor blade and gentle cut out the paint, then feather out the carpet fibers, and no one will ever notice!

Happy Paint removal!